Planning matters...
At the invitation of Mole Valley District Council, the Charlwood Society comments on planning applications
particularly those
likely to impact adversely on the character of the area. Also it makes representations at appeal, especially on developments that are likely to encroach on the Green Belt and the strategic gap round the airport. It subscribes to
the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
Examples of planning issues
In 1971 there were objections from the Society to a proposal in the Town and Planning Act to exclude Charlwood from the Metropolitan Green Belt. The Green Belt is now established in this area. In 1974 Charlwood was due to become part of the urban Borough of Crawley within West Sussex; the Society joined the campaign which led to the passing of the Charlwood and Horley Bill in the small hours of the day when Parliament was dissolved, returning Charlwood to Surrey and Mole Valley, successor to the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, rather than the urban Borough of Reigate and Banstead
In 2011 the committee looked at about 60 planning matters and comments which include the principles of ‘good neighbourliness’ were sent to Mole Valley District Council, the planning authority. It should be noted, the Charlwood Society does not participate in the decision making process. It only expresses its views.
Further information on planning matters can be found on our District Council web-site:
And Charlwood Parish Council: